Table of Contents


After logging on Selfcare system, access the “Reporting” tab for the following features.

Open Batch

All the transaction performed by your terminals which were not settled yet can be found in the open batch. The Open Batch report provides Merchants with the ability to:

  1. This will prevent them from being settled until set to “Ready”.
  2. Transactions cannot be altered from “Ready” to “Pending” after the terminal batch time.
  1. This will cause them to not be settled and moved to the closed batch at the settlement time.
  2. A transaction cannot be voided after the terminal batch time.


Open Batch

Open Batch Search Filter Options

To search transactions, you can use many different filter options. Transaction data can be combined with filter that allow you to create matches based on quantity, amount, value match, ranges, among others. Explore and learn more about what you can do with the search filters.


Export transactions at open batch to a CSV file

Based on the result of your searches, you can generate a CSV report, exporting the data you desire, depending on the data available in your transactions.

Export to CSV

Mark a set of transactions as "Pending", "Ready" or "Void"

A few actions can be performed for a set of transactions. To do this, select the desired transactions then choose the action by clicking in one of the available buttons on the left bottom side of your visible transaction list.

Change Status of Transaction Group

Transactions Inidividual Management

Each transaction has its own status and details, therefore, you might need to take a closer look at them or treat them individually. Clicking anywhere on a transaction line from open batch (except the Order ID - this opens the transaction details), the table expands that line with more information.

Transaction Line Details

In case you want to know the action options for that transaction, just click at the end of each line on the “” option. A list of possible actions is going to be presented.

Transaction Actions

Each action represents a specific feature, which might or not be available depending on:

In case you don't have access to one of the following features and want to know more about it, contact our support team.

Below in can see a few examples for those actions.

Create a Secure Token from Transaction Details

Create a Subscription from Transaction Details

Add Enhanced Data to Transaction

Perform Partial Capture of Transaction Value

Refund Transaction

Void Transaction

Resend Cardholder Receipt Copy by Email

Consult Sentinel Defend Events

Closed Batch

After performing a transaction, the transaction will appear in Open Batch. After settlement, the transaction is moved to Closed Batch and grouped by settlement date.

Closed Batch is located within the Reporting section on Selfcare. The Closed Batch documentation covers all functionalities available in Selfcare.

Scheduled Report

Scheduled Reports is a feature designed to facilitate the production of reports from past transactions processed by your terminals. You can create multiple Scheduled Reports to suit your needs and the reports can be delivered by email or FTP. The Scheduled Report feature can be found after logging into the Selfcare system and is located under the Reporting section on the main menu and the Scheduled Report documentation covers how to prepare a Scheduled Report.

Account Updater

The Account Updater report enables you to keep track of the updated Secure Tokens in your Terminals, making possible:

This features allows you to filter your search by the card details, the provider of the Account Update service or the change type, as you can see in the next two images.

Account Updater Report - Search By Card

Account Updater Report - Advanced Filter

Account Updater Report - Search Result

Following the result of the report, when applied any search, you would be able to see the list of changes already registered by the Account Updater feature, as shown in the next image. Among the data informed, you are going to find the provider or the account update service (vendor), the Secure Token and card details (card reference, merchant holder, terminal holder, merchant reference, card, masked card number, expiration date, cardholder), the card update details (las update date and status) and payment details (total and volume of sales, refunds, voids and total deposit on that Secure Token).

It's important to understand that, besides the informative function, the Merchant should understand what each status mean and if they have any impact in its future transactions.

Statuses for Each Registered Update


VALID No updates performed. Token details are still valid.
UPDATE Account number or account number, plus expiration date were updated.
EXPIRY Just expiration date was updated.
CONTACT_CLOSED Account was closed (Secure Token invalid). Merchant should contact the cardholder.
UNKNOWN Account number could not be found. Token details are not valid anymore.
IN_PROCESS The updating of this Token details is still in progress. It will change to one of the other statuses as soon as it's finished.
CONTACT Merchant should contact the cardholder.
PARTICIPATING No Match from participating bin issuer (not sure what merchant should do).
NON_PARTICIPATING No Match from non-participating bin issuer (I think this card is not eligible for account updater).
UNDEFINED VAU or ABU returned status_unknown.
ER_000101 Error while updating: Non-numeric Account Number. The Token Details are not valid anymore.
ER_000102 Error while updating: Account Number is not in BIN Range. The Token Details are not valid anymore.
ER_000103 Error while updating: Invalid Expiration Date. The Token Details are not valid anymore.
ER_000104 Error while updating: Merchant Not Registered. The Token Details are not valid anymore.
ER_000122 Error while updating: Un-registered Sub-merchant. The Token Details are not valid anymore.
ER_UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_CODE Error while updating: Unsupported response code from the updater service. The Token Details are not valid anymore. In this case, you should contact the Payment Gateway Support team to open an investigation to see what the response code is, and update possible valid responses.


The “Customers” section under the Reporting tab enables merchants to view and manage “Outstanding Subscriptions with Payment Due” and “Expiring Secure Tokens”.

The “Subscription” option shows all the details related to outstanding subscriptions.

It also provides the option to filter and search those subcriptions and export the details on this report to CSV.

The “Expiring Secure Tokens” shows only the Secure Tokens which are going to expire within the 2 months. This section includes the following details: Card type, Merchant Ref, Card Number, Cardholder Name and Expiry Date. You can search for expiring Secure Tokens by “Merchant Reference” or by “Month Range” for up to 12 months.

It is possible also to export the details to CSV, if needed.